Our real estate market database provides up-to-date and comprehensive information on prices, rents and yields of the German real estate market.

It is based on an extensive collection of carefully processed real estate market data from more than 100 sources.

Data quality

Through the comprehensive quality management and the high level of detail, the database meets all requirements for a precise real estate market observation and analysis.

The characteristics (List of all variables about German realestate market) of the real estate market database are subject to a complex quality control which is measured by random validation processes. This means: For each variable, random-based quality statistics are available continuously. This allows us to guarantee a consistent high quality of our data products.

Scope of the real estate Market Database

Our daily updated market database covers German-wide real estate price data and rental rates for residential and commercial properties. Each object in the database contains all important characteristics for precise market analysis.

Segments of the real estate Market Database

The Market Database provides property price data, yields and information about rents for the German residential and commercial real estate markets.

Information scope

The database contains information on location, type of property, space, prices and rents, the quality, the market acceptance and the age (if specified) for each object. More than 100 variables are available for analysis. Detailed information on the components of our real estate Market Database can be found in our List of all variables about German realestate market.

Availability of property price data

The real estate market database is available nationwide. Historical data and time series are available from 2012. Get a spatial overview for the residential real estate market in our regularly updated property price maps.

Access and license

Licenses to the Market Database are available from the county level (government districts). For the data access, we recommend our cloud-based information system, the VALUE Analyst. We are also happy to create your database extraction in established table and database formats.